The Wynterwulf Marauders

FFXIV RP-FC || Crystal || Balmung

"We Wulves fight for honor, glory, and blood! We honor our banner when it is called, we gain glory when we fight on the field, and we shed the blood of enemies no matter where we are!"

The Wynterwulf Marauders

Recruitment Status: OPEN

The Wynterwulf Marauders are the latest warband established under the banner of House Wulf, a minor noble house recognized by Ishgard. This family mixed of proud, hardened hyur and elezen born of Coerthas have taken to the traditional Ishgardian knightly lifestyles while simultaneously clinging to their more traditional customs that are fit for the family. Not as secluded as some of the more traditional Ishgardian houses, the Marauders are made of those sworn to the household as well as many mercenaries and sellswords from all walks of life. They are proudly one of the more proactive Ishgardian forces constantly skirmishing with hostile bordering groups and, even more so, they relish the chance in spilling blood in a glory filled battle against the Garlean Empire.In this household of fighters you will find rough and tough sellswords, hardened northern warriors and knights of honor; all working together to protect the den of Wulves and her allies safe.

The Wynterwulf Marauders

About Us

Clan Wulf

House Wulf or mainly known as Clan Wulf is a clan that is formed by Coerthan/Abalathian Highlanders with a loose union of allied Coerthan and Dravanian Elezen. The Banner of the Wulf is currently under the mantle of its fourth leader - Braxis Wynterwulf from the bloodline of the founder of this Clan, Jorgen Icewulf. His traditional values while being mindful to changing times, sharp wit and well earned wisdom has helped him keep the other familes in the clan healthy and loyal.Those from the Clan are known to be crude, savage, brutal, blunt and battle hardened. Within the same breath they are also known to being honorable, valorus, loyal and a boon to have on your side in the field of battle.

History & Traditions

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The Birth of the Marauders

There are three Warbands of Marauders that serve the Wulf Clan and Household. These warbands had been first created with Jorgen Icewulf and his band of companions who left their homelands traveling all across the world as a band of mercenaries. Barbaric, Savage, Animal like, yet Honorable and rarely left a job uncompleted.Even keeping to the warband lifestyle when they eventually become warriors of House Fortemps and later on vassals. Allowing future generations of Jorgen's bloodline to create two more warbands.The Warbands today are the following:Band of the Icewulf: The eldest warriors of the Clan who protect the revered Shamans.Band of the Greywulf: The previous Jarl's warband that now mainly serves as a Vanguard and homefront guard.Band of the Wynterwulf: The newest and larger of the three Warbands that focuses on more external threats. Be it mercenary work or fighting for Clan and kin across Ishgard's war campaigns.

The Wynterwulf Marauders

The Ranks & Roster

Heads of House

The Jarl or to the fellow nobles of Ishgard, Baron or Lord is the head of the Clan and Household. The Jarl of Clan Wulf runs all the Warbands currently, Icewulf, Greywulf and Wynterwulf with the assistance of the Warlord. Making sure every Warleader and their Warband are fufilling their tasks and duties. As well as making sure the Clan keeps its influence in Coerthas and Ishgard alike.

The Warlord of the marauders is the same stubborn and glory seeking soul that leads the household. During this chapter within the Clan's ongoing saga. The Warlord and the Jarl are the same. As Jarl of Clan Wulf, he is commonly seen leading the warriors of the clan and its warbands in nearly any engagement on the field of battle; even working less than glorious jobs amongst his knights and mercenaries. The word of the Warlord is final, and should be followed. It is common to find him, his second-in-command or the War Council helping him finding work and foes for them to sink their weapons into.

The Warleader is the second-in-command of the assigned Warband itself in its entirety. For whatever reason the Jarl & Warlord may be absent— whether it be dealing with nobles, handling other jobs or off fighting another battle— it is common to find the Warleader picking up the mantle and leading the Warband of House Wulf into some of its harder fought battles.

Warlord & Jarl of the CLan

Baron Braxis Wynterwulf

The Fourth Jarl of Wulf clan, the bastard son of Ragnar Direwulf. The Wynterwulf leads the House and the main Warband in the name of the Clan and Ishgard. Not shy of earning glory nor coin along the way.


Lady Io Saar

The daughter and current heiress to the head of the Wulf Clan. This savage miqo'te is currently out in Dravania until recalled home to aid her father once more.

The Clan

Asher Rukoth

Coming soon...

Venoix Grinningwulf

Braxis' younger brother who just happens to be a workaholic, desk jockey and all around boring man. Until you cost him money.

Quill Sureshot

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The Council of Thegns

The council that advises the Warlord and Jarl on running the Warbands of the Clan. Each Warband headed by its own Warleader. The council is made up of these Warleaders, Thegns, Huntmsater and War-Sage. Assisting with picking or leading more dangerous jobs or lage scale campaigns the Clan might find itself backing.

Thegns are the landed clan Chieftans and minor house nobility that have sworn themselves to the Household and Clan Wulf. As well as the Clans strongest warriors that serve as personal protectors to the Jarl and Heiress in times of battle.

The War-Sage Holds authority in all magical endeavors, research and training for the Clan and its Warbands. Ensuring all potent magic users are up to the standards of the Clan. As well one of the few direct lines of communications with the Clan's mysterious Shamans.

Shadow Walker or also known as the Spymaster, this invidiual is only known to the Warlord and Jarl. Walking in the shadows gathering information and dispatching foes unseen for Clan and kin.

Wynterwulf Warleader

Tokhiro Kato

The last student of the Wynterwulf, a Raen who has hard fought for his claim as Knight with what feels to be a lifetime of service to the Wulf Clan. Assisting the Warlord as his hands, eyes and ears when he is not able to lead the warband himself.


One of the highest ranks for the Oathsworn to achieve outside of the Council of Thegns. The warmasters assist their Warleader and the Warlord with the daily functions of each Warband.

Head of Medical

X'vari Nunh

The head doctor of the Wynterwulf Warband. All medical supplies, acquisitions, duties and more go through the odd yet loyal Doctor.

Master of Arms


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The Oathsworn are those who have risen about their mercenary lifestyles with ambition, glory and might. Joining the house proper with an pledge of word and blood. Becoming fully back members of the clan at large. Each finding a home in a different Warband. The Oathsword are made of Wulf Guard, Knights, Trackers and more



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Marauders are the fully fledged members of the warband, making up a bulk of the fighting and mercenary forces of the Household. They often take on simple jobs for coin and meet the foes of the household in the field of battle with ruthless force. These mercenaries and sellswords work underneath the banner of the House Wulf. Though while not fully fledged members of the house itself, they are still valued swords and shields amongst the warbands ranks.

Aurinae Viette

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Vaerenir Sauverre

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Bayar Dalamid

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Cyneric Kojaire

A mage who hides behind illusions and an alchemist more ready to poison you than heal you.


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R'vhasa Avci

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Hadrien Chandonet

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Tanner Voras

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Rinh Chelewae

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N'hil Nunh

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The new blood; those who have joined the warband of marauders but have not yet proven their worth. It is not uncommon to see the newest recruits of this group tested in spars, taking on the most grueling of tasks, and more until they have proven themselves to the warband.

Devereaux Viette

Cooooousin D'

Seraphine Etoileux

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These are the mercenaries who only take certain jobs within the warband and are only paid once their work is done. As not full-fledged members of the shield walls, they are not given full access to the warbands resources and housing like others are.

Norren Viette

Coming soon...

Hahareze Jajareze

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Khatar'sae Banchamek

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Rylen Ashworth

Coming soon...

The Wynterwulf Marauders

Supply & Armory

PLEASE NOTE: All prices listed are taken from NPC weapon & armor vendors. All transactions are with IC gil unless custom orders for crafted items are requested!


All weapons are hand-crafted by blacksmiths employed by and sworn to House Wulf. They specialize in spears, swords, axes, daggers, and shields but custom made weapons can be ordered upon request.

Standard weapon prices are as listed below. Prices for any custom-made weapons** must be discussed upon purchase. We DO haggle!

Ulfberht SwordAsger HeauvantTempered Mythrite22,000 Gil
Drengr's AxeAsger HeauvantAdamantite35,000 Gil
Hurstwic SpearAsger HeauvantMythrite21,000 Gil
SeaxAli’vara HeauvantTitanium18,000 Gil
Short SeaxAli'vara HeauvantAdamantite20,000 Gil

**For those who are interested in purchasing actual custom, in-game weapons, we do have omni-crafters employed in the FC.If you are in need of high-quality crafted items, we will offer our services for the price of the items needed to make it. Please /whisper one of our merchants to discuss payment!

Great AxeAli’vara HeauvantMythrite22,000 Gil
ZweihanderAsger HeauvantAdamantite25,000 Gil
Round Shield (Painted)Ali’vara HeauvantTitanium33,000 Gil
Round Shield (Unpainted)Ali’vara HeauvantTitanium28,000 Gil
Throwing Daggers (x2)Ali’vara HeauvantTempered Mythrite15,000 Gil
Throwing Daggers (x3)Ali’vara HeauvantMythrite22,000 Gil


All armor is hand-crafted by armorsmiths employed by and sworn to House Wulf. They specialize in leathworking, chainmail, and full plate but custom made armor can be ordered upon request.

All armor is made to order. The following listing is armor that is what can be seen on display.

Leather ArmorUlfgar StrongspearHard Leatherx
ChainmailAsger HeauvantBronze/Ironx
Full Plated ArmorAsger HeauvantIron/Steelx
Fur PeltUlfgar StrongspearVariousx

Potions & Brews

All alchemical wares and supply are personally brewed by our in house alchemist and Head Doctor, X'vari Nunh.

Disclaimer: House Wulf is not responsible for any injury, emotional trauma, or loss of friendships and/or financial stability due to the effects of the Truth or Terror potion game.

Standard Healing PotionA vial of red liquid about the size of a double shot glass, sealed tight with a rubber stopper. Although not quite as effective as aetherial healing methods, this potion will serve as a potent stopgap in a pinch, accelerating the natural healing process. If consumed, it is advised for the patient to double their usual caloric intake for the day.400 Gil
Standard Aether PotionThis blue liquid is housed within a shatterproof glass vial, and pleasantly smells of crushed berries. When consumed, the imbiber’s aether is replenished, providing a quick and powerful boost in energy. WARNING: may cause aether sickness. Do not consume if aether reserves are plentiful.300 Gil
Wyntersong Venom OintmentA thick and viscous green goop sold in a circular tin. When applied to the sight of a wound, it not only disinfects the opening, but numbs the pain as a local anesthetic. When applied to the inside of the cheek, pain across the entire body is decreased. DO NOT SWALLOW.600 Gil
Morbal Fruit TonicSmells disgusting, looks disgusting, tastes…sweet? Actually, it’s not half bad at all. It also has the added bonus of purging damn near any poison or venom from the system. All at the cost of a few burnt nose hairs. Worth it.200 Gil
Truth or TerrorAn Alchemical Party Game: Gather ‘round a table with close friends or strangers, and play a game of personal truths and utter embarrassment. Drinking while playing is both recommended and encouraged. You will be granted a player's manual upon purchase!1,500 Gil

The Wynterwulf Marauders

Contact for Hire (IC)

The Wynterwulf Marauders is accepting contracts!!

In need of one or few bodyguards? Need hired muscle for an event? Does someone owe you money?

Then consider hiring the Wynterwulf Marauders! We are a mercenary warband made up of ruthless fighters and intellectual individuals that are willing to take on a multitude of different jobs— so long as the pay is good— with little to no questions asked. Come from all walks of life, our mercenaries are some of the most qualified to get the job done effectively if not efficiently!Our services include but are not limited to:→ Protection of Goods & Services
→ Trading/Selling/Buying Goods
→ Personal & Event Security
→ Tracking & Trapping
→ Monster/Beast Slaying
→ Reagent Gathering
→ Item Acquisition
→ Dungeon Diving

For those interested in employing our services, please contact Braxis Wynterwulf or Tokihiro Kato for more details!

The Wynterwulf Marauders are also hiring!!

Are you a skilled fighter? Looking to make a bit of coin? Looking for a place to call home?

We are always looking for capable individuals who can prove themselves on the battlefield, participate in politics or aid in healing our knights and warriors on a day to day business. Be warned, the jobs we take are not always for the faint of heart but those who brave them and survive their trials are proven and known to be some of the strongest, most brutal warriors all across Eorzea. Whether you are just looking to make a bit of coin or are looking for a place to call home, the Wynterwulf Marauders might just be the place for you!

For those interested in employment, fliers for the Wynterwulf Marauders can be found in every city-state.
Please also feel free to visit the marauders headquarters in the Empyreum:

The Vargr's Den Plot 22, 25th Ward

Contact Information (OOC)

Thank you for visiting and taking an interest in our FC!

The Wynterwulf Marauders is an expanding, Rank 30 RP-FC located on Balmung in the Crystal data-center. While roleplay is our primary focus, we do also offer extensive PvE content such as a regular maps night, raiding, extreme trials, & more! We also have an FC medium house available for all FC members and a CWLS & Linkshell available for all members and associates.

FC Rules:

!! Important — Please Read !!

While we also love collaborating and roleplaying outside of the FC, we do ask that those wanting to interact with us or approach us about recruitment be aware and adhere to the following rules:

→ IC =/= OOC
This is a given. Since we facilitate an environment open for conflict between characters, please keep in mind that IC does not equal OOC. Bleeding between these two things is extremely damaging to RP and will not be tolerated!
→ No powergaming or metagaming!
Don't be that guy.
→ No character death/maiming without permission!
While we understand that death and maiming of a character can be impactful in RP and help with character development, please communicate with the officers if this is something that you are interested in doing. If you are a character outside of our FC, wishing to maim a character of our FC, please make sure communication is clear between players and that you are willing to accept the IC consequences as stated below.
→ IC actions have IC consequences!
Keep in mind that in this RP-FC, the actions your character takes may garner IC consequences. While we are very open to facilitating conflict in RP and offer several avenues for growth in characters should issues arise, there are times were the consequences of some actions are more severe than others (i.e. your character being fired). We ask that you be aware and understanding of this!

For anyone interested in our recruitment or making RP connections, please feel free to reach out and contact any one of our officers as listed to the right! →We can all be reached either in-game or through discord and are happy to answer any questions you might have!

Thanks for visiting!

Braxis Wynterwulf (FC Lead) - Braxis#1996Tokihiro Kato (Officer) - Asha#4356
Aurinae Viette (Officer) - Avealla#9304
R'vhasa Avic (Officer) - bygods#0730